Youth Clinic & Camp: Parent/Guardian Waiver and Release of Liability
Click here to download and print the waiver in PDF format..
Youth Clinic & Camp: Parent/Guardian Waiver and Release of Liability
Click here to download and print the waiver in PDF format..

youth_clinic_and_camp_release_agreement_2025.pdf |
I, (parent/guardian name): ______________________________________, as the parent or legal guardian of (youth name): ______________________________________, hereby authorize the participation of the above-named child in a youth soccer activity conducted by Lionsbridge Football Club (LBFC). I acknowledge and understand the inherent risks of participating in this activity, including but not limited to heatstroke, sports injuries, collisions with players or vehicles, being struck by a ball or other objects, and the risks of injury during soccer play. I assume full responsibility for these risks. I acknowledge that LBFC has taken reasonable precautions to ensure health and safety. By signing this agreement, I waive all future claims against United Soccer Leagues (USL), LBFC, the stadium owner or lessee, participants, sponsors, vendors, and other affiliated parties ("Club and Partners"). This waiver applies to any personal injury or property damage that may occur now or in the future, whether known or unknown, resulting from my child’s participation in this activity. In case of medical emergency during the event, I authorize qualified medical personnel to take appropriate action for the treatment of the above-named child. If claims arise regarding this waiver, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Club and Partners, including covering legal fees and costs incurred. I also consent to recording my child's likeness during the event via video, photography, or other media. I waive any claims to ownership or compensation for such recordings, allowing their use by LBFC and its partners for promotional and operational purposes. Additionally, I authorize LBFC to add my email address to their mailing list for event updates and related communications. If any portion of this agreement is found unenforceable, the remainder will still be valid and binding.
Printed Name of Youth Participant(s)
Printed Name of Parent or Legal Guardian
Signature (Parent or Legal Guardian)
Printed Name of Youth Participant(s)
Printed Name of Parent or Legal Guardian
Signature (Parent or Legal Guardian)